You’re stuck.

Your personal work is boring you and your professional work is feeling stale. You know you’re going through the motions, but you want more.

Sometimes you need someone who sees the bigger picture to help pull out the artist you know is inside of you.

You deserve someone to guide you as you head into unknown territory.

You might think you know what you want, but let me help you figure out what you actually need.

Let me guide you out of the stuckness.

You need outside eyes to look at your work and see where you’ve been to identify where you are going.

And then hold your hand to take you there.

It would be an honor to work with you to get to that next level.

You can keep running on the hamster wheel, wondering why you can’t break free, or you can be vulnerable and let someone else in.

Grab my hand and let me pull you off the wheel.


Reach out via email for more info, or book here.

Before our meeting: We will coordinate a time that works for you and I will give you your initial assignment. I will spend time perusing your body of work and assignment to identify where you’ve been and where you’re headed.

Our Meeting: Unless you happen to be local, education will take place over Zoom. During our call we will identify the pressure points and how to alleviate them. We will come up with a course of action and an assignment to help you move forward.

After our meeting: I will send over a recording of the call and a document outlining your course of action.

Most mentees like to meet again to follow up on their assignment, review their progress, and recalibrate before continuing to keep moving forward. It is not necessary, but often recommended to meet again.

Pricing: Our first hour session is $350, and every hour-long session thereafter is $200.

How does this work?



Always Forward. Always Through.